Evangelium Vitae

Saint John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae on the value and inviolability of human life (25.III.1995)..

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One of the most important Encyclicals of Saint John Paul II. In it he enumerates many of the threats to life in today’s world and proposes what the Church’s response should be.

The encyclical itself, in its number 5 defines its guidelines:

  • “The present Encyclical, the result of the collaboration of the Episcopate of all the countries of the world, therefore wants to be a precise and firm confirmation of the value of human life and its inviolable character, and, at the same time, a pressing call to all and to each one, in the name of God: respect, defend, love and serve life, all human life! Only by following this path will you find justice, development, true freedom, peace and happiness!”

Its profound bioethical character and the relationship that human sexuality has with the beginning of life make this Encyclical a fundamental text to understand the contents that any affective sexual education program in this field must maintain.